Originally Posted by jorgelito
An interesting note: Kurds are Sunni. Make me wonder why all the hostility. Just cause they're not Arab? What happened to Muslim brotherhood?
From what little I understand about the Kurds: While Sunni Arabs are Muslim, not all Kurds are Muslim. They are predominantly Muslim, but some tribes are also Jewish and Christian. Maybe the Arabs see them as not purely islam, or 'traitors to islam' etc..??
The US often espouses supporting democracy and freedom for people but the reality is we rarely mean it (EX: lack of support for Taiwan). To support Kurds on humanitarian grounds and our own principles of democracy and freedom would alienate our ally Turkey as well as cause unrest in the region.
Yes, I agree to an extent. But strictly speaking, I don't believe anyone thinks a democracy in Iraq will mirror a democracy in the US. I think the point is to instigate change from a dictatorship to some form of rule by/for the people. India, for example: a democracy, but not neccesarily identical to the form of democracy in the States.
Interesting read jorgelito...cheers.