NATO's Assistance to Iraq
NATO is helping Iraq provide for its own security by training Iraqi personnel and supporting the development of the country’s security institutions.
In response to a request by the Iraqi Interim Government, NATO has established a Training Mission in Iraq and will support the establishment of a training centre for senior security and defence officials.
All NATO member countries are contributing to the assistance, either in Iraq, outside of Iraq, through financial contributions or donations of equipment.
What is the aim of the operation?
NATO is involved in training, equipping, and technical assistance - not combat. The aim of the Training Mission is to help Iraq build the capability of its Government to address the security needs of the Iraqi people.
What does this mean in practice?
NATO is training and mentoring middle and senior level personnel from the Iraqi security forces in Iraq and outside of Iraq, at NATO schools and training centres. The Alliance also plays a role in co-ordinating offers of equipment and training from individual NATO and partner countries.
Since August 2004, a NATO Training Implementation Mission of about 50 officers has been working on the ground in Baghdad to train and mentor senior-level personnel from the Iraqi security forces.
The Alliance is now expanding and enhancing its assistance.
After the Summit meeting of NATO Heads of State and Government at the Alliance's Headquarters in Brussels, 22 February 2005, NATO's training mission will be fully staffed up to 360 personnel and fully funded.
It aims to provide training to about 1,000 Iraqi officers in the country, and about 500 outside of Iraq per year, as well as a significant amount of military equipment.
The next stage of expansion, which would lead to a further increase in personnel, will be NATO help in establishing an Iraqi Training Education and Doctrine Centre in 2005, to provide leadership and management training for the middle and senior level of the Iraqi forces.
In addition, the Alliance is also helping to coordinate training, equipment and technical assistance provided by NATO nations on a bilateral basis, both inside and outside of Iraq, to ensure that the Allies complement each other.
This work is carried out by a NATO Training and Equipment Coordination Group, which was established at NATO Headquarters on 8 October 2004.
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*The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is made up of the following member countries: Belgium,Bulgaria, Canada, CzechRep, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.