Originally Posted by Dragonlich
That's probably why he supports the government of North-Korea, Iran, Belarus, and tons of other despotisms. And that's probably why he openly disapproves of Karimov's actions.
Politics isn't black and white...
That wasn't my point.
Slapping Karimov on the wrist while we still provide military support for his regime is about useless in terms of providing any significant pressure to change. So don't bother saying that we've done anything moral in the situation there. And despite long term violations of human rights, Bush only said anything when international media covered the massacres. Real stand up forgien policy that is. I think it's called "the hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar of supporting a brutal dicator who couldn't keep the massacres quiet enough."
In the war to bring down one evil, we may be tempted to accept another. sometimes, this is an unavoidable consequence of the situation we find ourselves in. but the real problem is the whitewash, the idea that America stands for freedom, period. No, we stand for freedom where it's handy for us to do so. For Uzbeks, we'd rather have their air space clearances so we can fight in Afganistan, than for them to be free of a ruthless and merciless dictator. Bush has made a series of pyhrric choices in this war on terror, and i think it is an indication of his Ahabian obession, and ability to ignore the human costs of our forgien policy.