The process can be ugly - the destination worthwhile.
so you think that the ends justify the means.
wasn't that what the americans used to criticize stalin for? was this attitude not in itself the hallmark of an authoritarian regime, from the american viewpoint, not long ago?
and so, for you, questions about the war itself are in fact irrelevant?
i have read through the thread, and i note that the folks who raise this kind of objection are usually followed with yet another in a stream of happyface press pool releases of the type the bush administration has been trying to emphasize as part of their "public diplomacy" project over the past few months. public diplomacy of course being, in this case, a synonym for sell the war.
it is not that i have any real problem with the fact that in certain parts of iraq, the american occupation has been trying to do good things--in the context of an illegal and illegitimate occupation, of course. but i really do not understand how this functions to even begin to address the problems raised by the war itself.