What I find most interesting is how the Chinese government has altered history for their school systems. I visited China for five weeks in the summer of 2004, and remember specifically my tour guide in Beijing's response when someone in my group asked her about what happened on that day in 1989 in Tianamen Square (we were passing through the Square at the time). She replied that there was a student demonstration that was put down peacefully, and without the use of force. When asked about the reports of a 'massacre' or many killings, she simply repeated her claim that it was peaceful, and nobody was harmed in the process. Of course, as a tour guide she technically is a government employee, but she was not more than a year or two out of college, or may have still been enrolled at Beijing University.
Pretty interesting IMHO.
Edit: spelling
"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." - Oscar Wilde