Originally Posted by emphant
So a while back I made a post about joining the military, and not shipping out for a long time. Well, I finally made it through boot camp. I'm now a sailor! I graduated May 20th from division 926. Right now I'm in CTR A school in Pensacola, Florida. I just wanted to thank everybody for their support and advice.
Hehehe. Congrats man, and welcome to the family. A few guild lines for P-Cola.
Watch out for Corey Love. DO NOT be one of the dumb asses that marries their A school sweety. It's just sex, don't think otherwise. Everyones hormon levels are fucking jacked through the roof from boot camp. Every person I know that got hitched while I was there is now divorced. She says lets get married, fuck her one last time then kick her out. And don't "marry for the money". It's nort that much.
If you are under 21, do not go to the hotel parties unless it is a small group and you personally collect ever damn camera that comes in the place. They are real dicks about underage drinking there.
Other then that, have fun while you are there, and study your ass of in school. It can be a fun job field. And if they want to send you to Hawaii, tell them to piss off. Just trust me on that. Well, you won't have any say, but push for overseas man. Japan is fucking awsome. I don't know if they are handing out dream sheets still or not, but in the extra comment box, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT put "Any place but X" They will send you to X every time. I put "C school and over seas highly desired" and I was the only one in my class to get the orders I asked for. What was you division in Boot camp, BTW? State flages, drill squad, or body cathers? I was 912, State flags, but that was a about 6 1/2 years ago. Have fun with man. There is a lot of stupid BS you will have to put up with, but there is so much you can do. You made a good choise.