Originally Posted by filtherton
Though i suppose this summary only applies to the majority of christians who believe that god hasn't had anything important to say for two thousand years.
This isn't quite quite true. Basicly a Saint would be doing gods work and spreading his will directly, otherwise the Saint would not be able to perform miracles. These micracles are what sets a saint appart from a good priest or any other 'holy' person in the church.
So a counter argument would be that god is constantly talking to us, but its up to us to listen, hes not going to beat us over the head with it.
I personally see most religions as a way to avoid philosophy.
Religion makes it easy, you don't question it, it just is. While there have been some get philosophers which were also religious, the majority of people have no use for philosophy and religion helps them from needing to ask themselves difficult questions.
Why shouldn't we do this?
What happens when you die?
What is our future?
Its all laid out, right there in black and white, so don't worry your head, get back to making the donunts.