hope the boss doesn't see this
I woke up around 9:15ish, showered and got dressed. I forgot that I had no gas and so stopped off at the local Shell before hitting the freeway. My commute is 22 miles and takes me about 25-30 minutes. I arrived at work about 10:15 or so. This is 15 minutes after I am on the clock. I boot up my PC and browse to my favorite webcomics. The exact number varies from 2-8 depending on what day it is. Today being Monday I visted 6. I then check evite to see who is going to be at tonight's hockey game (11:00, hooray). I browse TFP for a bit before my coworker calls and tells me I have some voicemails to attend to. So it is about 10:30 before I even contemplate working.
Voicemails addressed, I return to surfing the web. I also do some reading (Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth currently). Soon enough it is lunchtime. I nuke a Banquet Salisbury Steak meal and consume. Mmmm. All the while I have Yahoo Instant Messenger open and am chatting with friends and my girl. About 2:00 I remembered that one of the voicemails was still not taken care of, so I head over to another building to check on the printer there. Sure enough, a sensor in the fuser is shot so I need to call a tech in to take care of it. Back at my desk I do so.
Note that I have been on the clock for 4 and a half hours now and have done approximately 15-20 minutes of real, actual work. The rest of the day doesn't hold much promise for work either. I'll read, surf the web and chat the day away. I am off at 7:00 but will leave sometime between 6:00 and 6:45.
Today is pretty typical of most workdays. However, on Tuesday and Thursday I help out at another site in the mornings and actually work for several hours. There are things I can and probably should be doing today, but I'm putting them off until tomorrow. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday.