Originally Posted by lite campfire
They can make some pretty circuitous excuses if the system that fails is in any way related to the system you modded though. I wouldn't be above getting something in writing from Joe Mitsubishiguy stating that whatever mod you asked him about will not void your warranty.
Whether Mitsubishi is going to be around to fix anything by the time your warranty expires is another issue.
What else did you look at before buying this thing? Why'd you pick it over any of those? I'm just asking because this is the only thing I've read about that car so far, and it isn't exactly encouraging.
I've looked at a few other cars, and frankly I liked this one the best. As I've mentioned before, it's only downfall so far has been a large turning radius. The complaints in the article regarding handling are either elitist, or misguided. I drove frmo Phoenix to San Diego over Memorial Day, which take a few hundred twisty, turny, mountainous miles on I-8. Not only was it speedy, it handled beautifully, took corners with ease and was the nicest ride I've had in a car in a long time.
The interior spacing is decent. The front is extremely comfortable. The back can be provided those in front move their seats up (to a still comfortable position). I wouldn't stick someone over 6' tall in the back, but since I'm 5'8", I could care less about that. *shrug* It is, after all, MY car.
The trunk offers more than ample space for groceries, luggage, a small body... whatever one might need it for. Again, it's a sporty car, not an SUV. It isn't supposed to be designed for spaciousness. The back end being a copy of the "Audi TT" is both true and auspicious. The fastback design is common is several cars today (the TT and the Nissan 350Z most notably). I can't seem to fault Mitsu for going along with a popular trend. Personally, I like the front end. I think it looks sporty and chic. The overall look of the car, to me, is one of speed coupled closely with elegance. It's not a Mustang or any other sporty car. It comes in colors not the norm for many similary cars (like fire engine red that tends to be popular, or sport yellow).
For all the complaints of size and weight, it gets decent mileage (I average 30mpg). Frankly, I'm not sure the author of the article actually DROVE one of these cars. Maybe some assumptions were made based on concept models or statistical data?
Originally Posted by catback
Yea I used to work for mitsubishi, they really have a non-caring attitude about things and they don't have much of an eye for quality. Basically as long as it works it's good, doesn't matter how terribly it works just that it works. I don't just say this about the lower employees, the attitude is passed down from management. At the facility I worked at they celebrated the company's birthday/anniversary every month, then they had other parties that I won't bother going in to.
Did you work at a factory? Dealership? Design Center? Having worked for many years at a General Motors Deisgn and R&D center (in Warren, MI), I can say the same goes, to some extent, for pretty much all auto manufacturers (GM, Toyota (a close GM partner) and others). Warranty repairs have two facets... those which the manufacturer deem acceptable, and those which the dealership and insurance underwriter will accept so as not to get sued (it happens). I pay an small additional fee to go to 10year/100k miles full bumper to bumper coverage. The underwriter gaurantees any repair (with a $100 deductible) that does not involve a wearable part (brake pads, oil filters, etc.). I'd be interested to hear what specific concerns anyone might be able to offer me. Having read over the warranty documentation, there's no way they could get out of any reapir I can currently conceive of ... at least not without me suing them (and winning). *shrug*