I work as an independant consultant for Information Technology implementations. currently I have a gig with the gas company as a project manager. I just finished implementing a couple of projects (Upgrading vitria to a new version; replatforming the the production oracle database to Unix) which required extensive UAT and performance testing. I am now moving on to an upgrade in the work management software for the summer.
My day starts with a wake up at 6:30, eat breakfast, make my lunch, and read or do email until 7:50, drive to work (it's uptown about 10 km so ony about 20 min drive), and login by 8:15 or so. Immediately go for coffee, and get updated by my group.
I manage deliverables and go to meetings most of the day. (and read TFP). on Mondays, Weds & Fridays, I work out in the gym at lunch time. I usually leave at 5:30 to go home and make dinner.
that's it!