Originally Posted by TM875
It's not like she's spurting blood everywhere...
hahaha welcome to my world! :P
The shower is your friend. It keeps everything nice and clean and not-sticky. You can also do it in a bath if the water is deep enough that you don't color the whole thing red. If you're in a really nice hotel and there is a personal jacuzzi, use it!
If your lady's flow is pretty light (last few days) she can clean things a bit by inserting a tampon about half an hour before you begin, then removing it when you're ready. That will give you 10 or 15 minutes of grace time before things get messy (my experience, anyway). Putting in barriers is not a good idea, at least for me, since my vagina's not big enough to really accomodate them without discomfort, especially since I'm more inclined to get sore while I'm on my period.
You could also try a female condom, which would keep all the blood on her and none of it on you, but I've never used one so can't personally recommend it.