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Old 06-05-2005, 09:13 PM   #13 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Mantus
For me it was never an issue of whether Kerry had anything to offer but that he wasn't Bush. If you are running a business and an employ f--ks up - on multiple ocasions, then lies to cover things up and then refuses to take responsibility - you shouldn't hire him for another contract. If the administration wasn't going to to hold it's accountable for its mistakes then I'll do the cervice for them.

I think allot of people followed this logic. I think Kerry believed in it. We thought Bush would dig his own grave. We thought wrong.

The only problem is that a)many people have different ideas about what constitutes bad job performance and b) it doesn't matter how bad jim screws up in his job if you think that joe is gonna be worse. Kerry expected the Dem view of Bush's job performance to be enough. And this mentality seems to be plaguing the Democratic party at this time-they propose nothing of their own, but simply work to obstruct and tear down whatever Republicans try to do.

One thing I find funny is that I think that the Republicans have made some serious strategic errors that the Dems could capitalize off of if they could get better organized. The Republicans have picked two issues to raise to nat'l prominance that otherwise might not have gotten the same attention(Schiavo and judicial filibusters) and failed in both. I see both of these as lose-lose actions for the Republicans-they alienated some of the more leftist/centrist voters by giving the impression of going to far, yet also angered the heavily conservative voters by not going far enough and backing down. But fortunately, the Dems have not shown any alternate position whatsoever and have merely been anti-Republican without being pro-anything so these problems will probably not come into play.

As for Dean, he (like many politicians forced on a national stage perhaps too early) has become a caricature of his presidential run image, and has gone beyond the ability to do good for his party IMO. What few truly undecided voters there might be (and I think this group is even smaller than polls always say it is) are totally alienated by his rediculous comments, and are driven to the more moderate-seeming Republicans. And he doesn't mobilize his base in the same way a similar positioned Republican would because the Dem base generally has a worse voting record (in actual turnout) that does the similar Republican base.
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