ah art, such a hard to define concept. Many artists have played with the definition of art. People argue whether <i>Piss Christ</i> or Christo and Jeanne-Claude's work is art or not (ex: The Gates). Marcell Du Champ challenged the common definition of art by taking a urinal and putting it on a pedestal in 1911. Stieglitz and others (Man Ray?) helped elevate photography to high art. Picasso, Jean Arp, and others elevated collage into art. I could go on about the fluid nature of the definition of art but that may take me all day.
What I am trying to get at is that the definition of art, and the definition of the artist, is up to youself. One person's art may be another persons trash. (Andy Warhol's soupcans) It is up to you what is art and what is not. If enough people agree it may just end up in a gallery.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....