Ok, I'm no professional breastfeeder here, I've breastfed once in public, at the table of which I was eating, with my Mom right by my side telling me to quite caring what other people think, the baby is hungry. But there are a few things I would like to point out here...
#1 as it has been said, I'm not going to eat my dinner in a bathroom stall, and no not every bathroom has a sofa let alone are they clean, smell pretty just cuz it's for 'woman' or any of that, it's a place of elimination and the thought is just gross.
#2 Some woman feel to use a towel/blanket to breastfeed is like throwing a big sign out there...HEY LOOK BABY IS SUCKING ON MY BREASTS!..now give me your stares and quizzical looks and even angry faces. Some would much rather do it discreetly and with as little notice as possible, and whether you believe it or not, it does and can happen without everyone knowing.
#3 I don't care what anyones opinion is, I DO NOT at any point in breastfeeding my kids feel my breasts are a sexual object. PERIOD. The second I associate my kids sucking on my breasts as sexual, is a very bad day. So I have to lay that to rest right now. I also don't feel anyone has the right to look at me while breastfeeding and think about sex, as quite frankly that's kinda gross. This is all I can type about this for now...
#4 Yes a woman can express her milk and bottle it, and use it later to feed, BUT that same woman is going to have her milk come in on a schedule, and her babies crying will make that happen even faster. This is a very uncomfortable experience for me. I would much rather let the baby eat and save myself from having to leak breastmilk all over my cloths and be uncomfortable so a few select people with a problem can feel better about it.
#5 I am pregnant with my third child and have been empowering myself to believe I can breastfeed longer with this one then the other two and get over the whole 'society' thing. That I can live my life and let my other kids still be able to go out and have fun in 'public' places like they are used to, and if it means taking the baby and feeding in public, then so be it. Then I see this thread and it really really makes me mad. So what...with two other kids in tow I'm supposed to curl us all up nice and tight in a smelly toilet or choose to stay home all the timein order to 'hide' something that is perfectly natural?? I don't think so...
There are ways to nurse while no one even knows, they make cloths for this kind of thing, baby slings that allow you to nurse while walking and so on. These things I would use, but I don't feel I have to wear a sign all the time like using a towel or any other shield if I'm not showing anything anyways...
I do agree that there are some extremest's out there who will just whip it out without 'consideration' but those kind of people are not me, and therefore I have nothing to say about it.
Smile It makes people wonder what you're up too!