My worst case of being ripped off has been from former roommates. Finding honest people in Fresno is like trying to find a pepsi machine in Antartica. Thankfully our management is letting us have the sweetest revenge against our current roommate. He's left without paying back money he owes me (he missed rent once and utilities twice, his girlfriend didn't pay her portion of rent twice, all in all it comes to about $1000), but his stuff is still here. Mangement is allowing my SO and I off the lease while he will be stuck as sole holder on the lease - and they've agreed to charge him for EVERY problem in the apartment, which will total about $5000-$7500 according to them. Never mind that we've TOLD HIM how to get out of the lease, but he's too damn lazy or stupid to submit a 30 day notice to management.
We gave him every chance to pull his weight, and he thinks that now that's he's run away to Stockton he's scott free. He and his little dog (I mean, girlfriend) are con artists, and they are about to get screwed royally just as they deserve. I only wish I could see the look on his face when his wages begin to get garnished and he realizes that by being honest, and paying his debts, he could have avoided having his credit and rental history trashed as well. I'm glad my management company is ruthless with scumbags like him.