I think in theory lowering the age of consent [it's a little fuzzy since it's different every where...here in Canada, 'TECHNICALLY' you can 'consent' when you're just 14...but there's a lot of unclear exceptions here and there I think...not too sure, never did it when I was 14
] and allowing polygamy is ok, I mean why the hell not rite? People can mind their own business so long as there isn't any abuse and whatnot.
In reality it's far more complicated...it always is...
-With the age consent thing, it's there to basically protect naive little teeny boppers, a lot of the time there's really super old dudes looking for some stupid lil girl to take advantage of. The gov't should make a reform in the law so that if you're doing it with someone 1oo years older...then maybe you should probably wait till 18. Other wise...knock yourself out.
-Polygamy...well it's unorthodox, but a lot of things are, so why shouldn't polygamy fly? The deal with polygamy is, there IS a lot of abuse that goes on, and really it's not exactly gonna be your run of the mill, down to earth guy that's having a whole bunch of wives...I mean what type of a guy wants 10 wives? And finally...polygamy is not gonna go well wiht feminists that's for sure. I mean if polygamy is allowed, do you really think there's gonna be a whole bunch of women with 10 husbands? Chances are, polygamy is a guy's thing...and not a common guy's thing but it does subject women...lots of them, and that kinda sucks too.