Originally Posted by host
I want our troops out of Iraq now, Ustwo, and in saying that, I am not supporting "terrorists". I am reacting to the reality that our U.S. administration has lost the trust of the small portion of it's citizenry that is actually informed about the circumstances of the debacles resulting from our post 9/11 military "adventures" in Afghansitan and in Iraq.
Just one question here: when the inevitable civil war breaks out in Iraq, will you accept your responsibility?
IMO, pulling out now is the WORST the US could do. The overly used phrase "the terrorists will win" most certainly applies here, at least in the eyes of their supporters. The end result will be even more suffering, and the destruction of what little hope and freedom the Iraqis have.
(FYI, I would prefer a UN peace-keeping operation instead of the current US-led force. But that's not gonna happen.)