Originally Posted by Dragonlich
Luckily, the nutjobs that wrote that, or agree with it, are a small minority. Most people that oppose the US on this issue aren't happy when US/UK troops are killed. They want the troops out, after all.
I agree they are a small minority, but we are still talking about millions of people. Take a look at the signs at a war protest or an anti-Bush rally. Even wanting the troops out is in indirect support of the terrorists. What do you think would happen if we just pulled out tomarrow? Reguardless of it being right or wrong, we made the mess, we have to clean it up.
Interesting bit of info:
Iraqi officials say that all of the suicide bombers have been foreigners. Not a single Iraqi has blown himself up. This leads me to the following:
Iraqi "freedom fighters" are made up of
a) angry Sunnis/Ba'athists, who want their power back. They don't care about freeing the Iraqis as a whole.
b) Foreign nutjobs/terrorists who want to kill infidels. They don't care about freeing the Iraqi's, they're just another group that wants to control them.
c) criminals who want to maintain the current insecurity, so that they may profit. Not interested in freeing the Iraqis at all.
d) others who are indeed fighting the foreign oppressors in order to bring freedom to their people.
Now, does anyone care to give me their estimate of the relative size of group D? I bet it's pretty damn small, compared to the other three groups.
I agree with your assesment.
What you have to remember: in Islamic culture, the nation as a whole isn't important. The tribe is important, and the Islamic world as a whole is important. Remember that when you're trying to compare the sitation to people invading the US.
Yes this is part of the problem. After the invasion I was reading the Arab press quite a lot and their reaction to it was as if they themselves were invaded and had lost as baddly as Saddam had. They honestly seemed to believe Bagdad Bob, and they were angry that they had been lied to. Even though they didn't 'like' Saddam they admired him for the percieved streangth of Iraq, and when that was brushed aside like a mosquito, it made them all feel impotent.