Originally Posted by MooseMan3000
I totally agree with all of those points.
Another perspective I would add to women who have faked it and had their partners believe it... are those partners actually any good?....I would say that if you can fake and have a guy believe it, not only does he not actually care about your pleasure (so he's not paying too much attention), he's not very good at giving it, either. Get a new boy.
Just my two cents.
The guy I had to fake for basically made me feel like I was doing something wrong if I wasn't having one because he would pull all this "I must be a horrible lover because I can't make you come" crap. Needless to say I am older now and wiser. This is also a guy who didn't like giving me oral sex...yeah, he was definitely NOT a keeper.
I haven't faked an orgasm in years.
