Originally Posted by pan6467
I like your arguments and the facts that you provided to give me cause to think as to why someone would consider this ok. You have provided good dialogue and hopefully people (INCLUDING MYSELF ATY TIMES) can use yours, Fool's, X's examples of intelligent dialogues as standards, where we don't have attacks on people or ideas but rational viewpoints discussed.

Thanks for the kudos. Too often, political debate devolves either into "liberal" vs. "conservative" name-calling matches, or people trying to out-shout each other instead of debate rationally. I like a good debate, but I skip over or quit a lot of threads that get....uncivil. Personal attacks don't help us to see each others' viewpoints -- it just shuts down debate & creates even more animosity between those on the "left" and the "right".
I think most people who use those labels don't realize that nobody is truly on the "left" or the "right"...we're all some semblance of moderates. I, for example, tend to be fiscally conservative, but a bit left-of-center on social issues. I listen to conservative talk radio and find myself equally nodding my head in agreement and shouting at my radio in disagreement. Throw into the mix the fact that I favor a strict constitutional interpretation...and everything goes amuck every now and again!
I wasn't kidding when I said that I'd be right there next to you if the situation didn't change in this court situation. I live in Ohio, and this hits a bit too close to home for me. Even though I'm nominally Christian I am absolutely firm in my stance that peoples' beliefs should be inviolable from government intrusion.