This reminds me of the famous quote (which I believe is correctly attributed to George Carlin):
Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.
It kinda shows how everyone has their own standards to driving, and the way they do it is the best.
I'm afraid I fall into the same category than Grace, as I am more "assertive". I haven't had any accidents or as many moving violations as she has though, so maybe I'd drive with her and think she was being too reckless.
As for the criteria of what makes a "good driver", I suppose the official answer would be: if you could take your current driving style, and use it on the driver license test, and pass, you'd make a good driver.
I'd fail. I think most people would fail. I go over the speed limit by a little bit (usually 10kph over at the max), I (like most others) cut into roundabouts when there's space, not exactly when it's the best time to go, and I rush through a yellow light.
When I came to Australia, one of the biggest things I had to handle driving-wise (besides the whole "other side of the road" thing) was the fact that they are much safer drivers, in general. They stick closer to the speed limit and they don't take as many chances as people did back home (in the States). Now what I claim to be "assertive" is actually fairly tame compared to how I (and most others) used to drive elsewhere.
This rambling post can be summed up like this: It's about perspective. Everyone has a different comfort level in relation to driving. Because of that, there are varying amounts of confidence and control. I don't think there can be a solid line drawn and everyone who is over the line is considered to be a bad or unsafe driver. I think it can only be done on a person by person basis. Unfortunately, some people are over-confident and it can result in some bad decisions/consequences. But as the quote above says, no matter how you drive, there are always going to be people that think you're too timid, and there's always going to be people who think you're too assertive.