Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Considering Cosmopolitan Magazine's postioin as the ultimate authority on everything sex-related, we must accept this article as absolutely true, reflecting a perfect sample of the female population, and without any sort of factual or procedural error made in the research and analysis.
Everyone is different, and it's absurd to categorize people like this. Some women have a tendency to go out and fuck for the wrong reasons and therefore regret it. Some men do the same thing. On the other hand, many men and women can separate sex and the emotional strings and therefore be able to do it repeatedly guilt-free.
rofls How dare you insinuate that every woman is not exactly the same in every way and that the full range of human emotion is not expressible in a 265 word Cosmo blurb! lolz
you have to admit it's a good topic to riff on though