Originally posted by shiznikchik
yeah....i'm his gurlfriend. i joined to see what u guys would say bout "that"
i'm not huge on doctors...i don't excatly like them.
and if your talkin bout gettin pregnant off like a toilet seat....i NEVER sit on public toliet seats...u cudn't dare me too. i jus won't do it, its gross.
and i don't really think i'm stressed out
*sigh* you can't get pregnant off of a toilet seat. I'm sorry, not possible. you CAN get pregnant from having a man cum ON you. (as opposed to in you.) And really, it doesn't matter if you don't like doctors, 'cuz this's your health on the line, not a cold, but something really odd, and that definitely needs checked out. Sorry. make Elmo come with you, and hold your hand. Believe me, it sucks, but it'll be a whole lot better for you in the long run. Take it from another doctor-phobic female.