My mistake. I used the term "war" in context of our past two conflicts.
As I stated earlier. One respond to terrorism by improving the image of one's country though moral, deplomatic and economic means and thus making it a non-target. War will always cause grief to some one. In order to achieve our goal of anti-terrorism though war one still needs to achieve support of the population by leaving them better then they used to be. Afghanistan is a failure. Iraq is still in question. Though Iraq should never even have been an issue. Our attack there had nothing to do with terrorism.
The things this administration did right was by giving funding and restructuring the national defence agencies. But that can hardly be called a something as grande as waging a "war".
The point is that we certainly are more aware of terrorism. There have been steps taken to safeguard us against it. Yet the catch prase "War on Terrorism" is being used as an all encompassing description and justification for all actions the govenment seems to take nowdays. Missile Deffence for example is another waste of money that falls under the War on Terrorism umbrella that has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism.