Originally Posted by Ustwo
The greatest terror attack happened before the 'War on Terror'.
Terrorism itself has been on the rise for the 10 years prior to the war on terror.
To assume the war on terror has made it worse is false.
Unless of course you count the attacks in Iraq as terror attacks, in which case yes there have been more attacks since the war on terror began 
That is false. There have been more attacks since the Iraq war began, even when you discount attacks by terrorists in Iraq against Iraqiis (the vast majority of attacks within Iraq).
Among the anomalies admitted by Brennan, which have crept into the analysis as a result of the ambiguities in definitions, are the following:
# On February 27, 2004, a member of the Abu Sayyaf Group in the Philippines sank Superferry 14, killing more than 100 people. This was an act of terrorism directed against innocent civilians. But because the perpetrator and the victims were all Filipinos, this is not reflected in the analysis.
# In Iraq, only attacks on Americans and other foreign nationals have been covered in the analysis and not attacks on Iraqi nationals, which were in the vast majority.
# In Uzbekistan, there were three significant terrorist attacks on July 30, 2004, against the US and Israeli embassies and a building of the local government. The attack against the local government has been excluded.
# In August 2004, two Chechen suicide bombers blew up two Aeroflot flights. One flight had only Russian citizens and hence was excluded. In the other flight, there was one Israeli citizen and hence it has been included in the analysis. The attack against the school in Beslan has been included because the Chechen terrorists involved were assisted by a Uzbek and a Kazakh.
# In Turkey, there were attacks against four HSBC banks on the same day by suspected al-Qaeda elements, but all of them have been excluded because there were no human casualties and the property damage in each instance did not exceed $10,000.
Trying to make heads or tails of the logic used by Rice and the State Dept. is impossible - but regardless, with or without the attacks on civilians in Iraq, worldwide terrorism has increased.
Ustwo, you seem to want to conclude that because there have been "no attacks in the U.S." since 9/11, the War on Terrorism has been successful. Ignoring the fact that there is no reason to suspect any terrorists have felt it necessary to perform another attack within the U.S. in the preceding 3.5 years, the reality is that terrorism around the world has increased
since the War in Iraq.