There have been no terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11, but how many were there before 9/11? Is there a significant difference? Only time will tell.
What is for certain is that more Americans have died on non-US soil through terrorist activity than have done in a long time (possibly since Vietnam?)
Is the world a much safer place now than it was 5 years ago? Do you feel safer now than you did 5 years ago?
"The War on Terror" i.e. a conflict involving unknown forces operating in unknown areas with a common goal, to blow thing up in the US. It's so good-guy/bad-guy, it would make a fantastic action movie. It's so simplistic - out there, the towel-headed, or balaclava'd bad guys chuckling into their burkhas as they stand poised over the TNT detonator. I've never heard anyone explain <b>why</b> the evil terrorists want to smash the west - surely it's not because we are seen as overbearing millitaristic bullies? No of course not. What a crazy idea! No, they want to kill us all because we are free, and happy to get drunk and watch porn on TV (which makes much more sense). But they <b>are</b> foreign and always did look a bit shifty, who <b>knows</b> what ideas they get into those little brown heads of theirs eh?!