Originally Posted by roachboy
lebell: i dont think that is the claim in the post--i think it more that wars in themselves create the conditions that would perpetuate "terrorism" itself. so rather than solving the problem, war simply exacerbates it.
i think that is the argument, not that all wars are unjust--which i take to be a shift in logical level on your part.
the conclusion to the argument would be that war is not the answer.
i take it as basically a pacifist position routed through a critique of the bush administrations use of the category of terrorism.
That is why I asked him to clarify.
If his position is as you say however, then my next question would be that if wars create injustice and injustice creates terrorism, how is one to respond to gross acts of terrorism (e.g. 9/11), especially when assisted by a nation-state.