We both had wondered about the problem being a result of PTSD. She does not have any incidences of sexual abuse or harrassment in her past, but her mom was a social worker and her family took in young girls who became pregnant before they were able to sustain themselves. My mother in law took in the women, gave them a home, a healthy place to begin raising their children, taught them a lot of basic necessities like how to sterilize things, how to cook, how to nurse, etc. Just basic skills to help the women when they would be single parenting in the near future. It really was an eye opener to my wife and her sister. They were able to see first hand some women who were abused, who abused themselves, etc. So that there may have some answers to her problem, but I'd assume that's only part of it. She's always been a very private person, very self conscious about her body. She's the least touchy feely person I know. She doesn't hug very many people. These could all be things relating to the problem... Any other thoughts? Does anyone remember the name of the...thing? What's the word for it? Not disease...condition! Condition.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys