I came across this online this morning. Of course curiosity lead me to read it. I hardly know what to say, I just think you all should take a look at it if you haven't all ready. Its an al-qaeda training manual siezed in a raid in manchester and translated in english. Just the introduction itself is eye-opening in a way. It reminds me what we're up against and what these people believe.
I hear arguments all the time about how it is the US's fault that 9/11 happened, that its the US's fault the terrorists hate us and want to kill us. Thats complete bullshit. It says in black and white why the terrorists are fighting us and it is not because of "American imperialism".
It talks about the fall of their caliphate on march 3, 1924. (hardly a US imperialist agenda. and you would think more of islamo-fascist anger would be directed at britain) It goes on to describe the spread of the western way of life. "They aimed at producing a wasted generation that pursued everything that is western and produced rulers, ministers, leaders, physicians, engineers, businessmen, politicians, journalists, and information specialists." but of course according to the terrorists, according to the koran, "And Allah's enemies plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of all planners is Allah." - according to these asshats my way of life is a conspiracy to end theirs.
For them there is no comprimise, no use for diplomacy because, "Islamic government would never be established except by the bomb and rifle. Islam does not coincide or make a truce with unbelief; but rather confronts it." Yeah, if only america would be nicer to the muslims and take their military bases out of saudi arabia the terrorists would stop and be our friends. I've heard that argument before.
The manual also goes on to describe one of the top five missions of the terrorists: that brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by State Security and to spread rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy. - but according to amnesty international these are not just rumors and part of the terrorists plan, but just part of the evil american empire.
I'm done ranting now. Its way too early and I have work to do, but when you find the time, take a look at what the fucks believe and what they want to do to you and your family, and don't ever forget.