By the way, Pan...
We are on the same side of this issue - both of us agree that it was a bone-headed ruling by the lower courts. And I think that both of us agree that the judge trying to pin ANY religion as "non-mainstream" is absolutely abhorrent and unconstitutional.
I just don't think it's quite the time to start running around, shout that the sky is falling (KIDDING!

) , or begin the protesting...yet. Should this ruling not be corrected in normal measure, or should rulings like this continue, I'll be right there next to you.
The key is that our system was DESIGNED that these types of decisions would correct themselves. These corrections just happen slowly - as I believe most governmental actions should happen. My argument is perhaps better applied to Congressional actions (law-making), but I think it applies here, too. A government that moves and acts too quickly often does so rashly.