Heh thanks again Cyrnel
Lets see what I can answer. Nope, my computer has been very stable lately before the redo. I do notice though that the bios isn't auto-detecting my CD and DVD drives so this is definitely something to look into. Also, it took a while to detect my one SATA Seagate harddrive (about 5 months old). I think this is why I first fiddled around in BIOS. Like you said, I had to select auto a few times for it to recognize and now it does.
I don't recall every change I made to the BIOS, but I think they included making sure drives were set to auto, that SATA was selected instead of PATA, and to turn of legacy and raid related things. I also turned off the mobo logo so I could review the post
The mobo model is MSI's 865PE Neo2 version-1. I have one internal storage device, the Seagate, which has worked very well since I bought it. I have two externals working, including an older firewire 30gig Maxtor and a new USB 2.0 Maxtor 80gig. I unattached them before reformatting.
I went ahead and used the old video driver I had saved through the reboot and now the game is running correctly (so far). I went ahead and installed SP2 and that worked well too. The only thing that's goofy as of now is the freezing after POST finishes and the fact that it eventually makes it past if I restart the computer about two to five times.
Thanks again bud

Take care