building my own projection tv
well since i had to return my 32inch flatscreen tv because of defects, i decided i would spend some money and try to build my own projector. Yeah i might end up just losing my money but heck its worth a shot.
For shits and giggles i took apart my flatscreen monitor and placed it on a overhead and projected it onto the wall. it worked and it was nice and clean, ju7st not bright enough.
So i decided that i was going to go ballz to the wallz and build one of these things"the right way" I looked on diyprojectors and the lumealab site, and i decided to just pay 20 bucks get plans and a subscription to their private forums.
Considering how i always hear about people doing this and them saying they get awsome results i decided eh what the heck, when im dont it will be an hd tv with about a 6 to 10 foot diaginal screen.
The most i plan on spending on this is 500, but i am going to try and do it for less than that. Ill need to buy parts off ebay, but its woth a shot.
If anyone has a broken lcd monitor (15 inch) and its just the screen dosent get light enough i would like to talk about purchasing it depending on the monitor. THIS WOULD BE DONE THROUGH PM--->AND IF ANYTHING WAS AGREED ON, I WOULD REQUEST YOU PUT IT ON EBAY, and let me purchase it from you.
when i am done i will let everyone know what the clarity of the screen and picture is. maybe its a waste of money, but its a much better shot than one of those lenses for your tv
questions or ideas postem up here
im off to search ebay for a good monitor to use
Originally Posted by Redlemon
...but if you only add files and you never delete, there's nothing to cause file fragmentation, so pattycakes is correct.