Originally Posted by zen_tom
Many many thanks for this link.
This used to happen to me
A LOT. For those interested in psychology and (perhaps!) drug induced pyschosis, it was far far more common when I was a drug user.
I used to think I was losing my mind (though I knew it was worse after spending a night out on a bender with my mates). I remember asking my GF (now wife) to wake me up if she heard me moaning. That's all I could do. Lie there, paralyzed, terrified and moan... moan or whimper loud enough for her to wake up and shake me. Even thinking about it now gives me the creeps.
Usually it was only last a few moments (less than a minute), but at the time it felt like a lifetime. To make things worse, it was sometimes accompanied with halucinations. One of my "favourites" was a vampire floating outside the window of my 14th floor hotel room and smiling at me (just like Salem's Lot which I had only seen once, years before).
It hardly ever happens to me anymore, but when it does, at least I know it's "natural".
Many thanks!!
Mr Mephisto