AMD/Intel GHz conversion?
Is there like a rule, pattern, equation, or something that lets you find out what the Intel GHz speed equivilant of an AMD chip, or vice versa?
Does it have anything to do with the name of the AMD chip?
For example, is the Athlon 64 3800 a 3.8 GHz in Pentium terms?
This is something i've always been confused about, and would like to understand. I also just built a new system and got the Athlon 64 4000+. I chose this processor basically beause it looked fast. It ranked in the top 3 of all of the benchmark tests I looked at, and was perfect for my price range. I'm just curious to know what the Pentium equivilant of this chip (runs 2.4 GHz in AMD terms) would be as far as frequency speed goes. My previously stated 'name theory' doesn't work too well in this case, because I find it extremely hard to believe that this chip would be a 4.0, seeing as it was only $460.
I don't know much at all about the hard core mechanics of how processors work underneath their name and frequency speed.