Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
When he decides to give up his seat, with its very healthy salary, and retires to live in a shack in the wood, with no electricity, no health care for he and his family, no police to protect him, no roads (bar toll-roads) to transport him on his cart (no automotive industry or petro-chemicals) and carries his own shit out and buries it (no sewars), I might just listen to him.
Or I might just think "There goes another, hypocritical, crazy."
Hmmm... I wonder which one?
Mr Mephisto
That really doesn't seem rational at all. Why exactly does not wanting to fund Stem Cell research have to be tied to living in a shack, having electricity, health care (consumers pay for the last two), police, roads, sewage, oil or an auto industry?
Would you REALLY listen to him after he did these unrelated things?
There are a few things in this world that are true public goods - things that the cost cannot easily be distributed to those who consume the good. Saying that our government has pushed the definition of public goods too far and this was something that he did not want to pay for (particularly when our government is in massive debt) simply reflects choices and not hypocrisy.