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Old 06-02-2005, 06:09 AM   #32 (permalink)
big damn hero
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Well, I'm both fascinated and disgusted.

Fascintated about the revelation, but disgusted with the coverage from the cable news opinion mafia overall. I guess once we put a President in the ground, we seem to forget all the bad and overcompensate by exaggerating the good. I mean, on a few of these shows, the talking heads have gone as far to paint Felt as the bad guy.

It doesn't matter that Deep Throat has been outed. Even with, what seems to me to be, the definitive proof in Woodward's and Bernstein's confirmation that Felt was indeed who he says he was, there is a rather large number of folks who refuse to believe. I've seen all sorts of speculation abound on the internet, including a very pervasive notion that Felt couldn't have been the source because he wasn't in a position to know the information Deep Throat gave to Woodward and Bernstein.
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