I think that's probably where things get a little fuzzier. i personally do not tend to identify the Triune God as "Father" "Son and "Holy Spirit" I'll use the last title, but generally eschew the first two in favor of gender inclusive language.
Why those three is a question that i think is best answered by the pattern of revelation that we have recieved...God has created, redeemed, and dwelt among us.
There is also a transactional explanation....that God the Father is offended by our sin, and can only expunge it as God the Son, and that the resulting exchange produces God the Spirit. Kathryn Tanner has some great work on that subject, and is a talented theologian....i disagree with her in that i think that this retains too much of Anslem's debt theology, and that it is a limited good theology, one that assumes that there is only so much good to go around, and that it must be allocated justly.
so, i tend to stick with the historical explanation, and use relational trinitarianism as sort of a backup to that.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16