I don't know, I'm of two minds here. Part of me is thinking that these offended parties need to lighten up, but I recognize that A) I haven't heard the relevant broadcast (the link above didn't work for me) and that B) I'm not part of the minority it relates to and therefore not fully able to relate. What I do know is that as a Scot (in terms of heritage, anyway) I'm not about to start a campaign against groundskeeper Willie, even if he does seem to be the cultural equivalent of those WWII anti-japanese propaganda cartoons in that he plays up to every stereotype there is about Scots. As a Canadian citizen, I'm also not about to start a campaign against the South Park movie, either. I didn't find it all that funny, but I recognize that some people do.
Don't ask me where I'm going with this, because I'm not really sure. It's ultimately up to the individual as to whether they find certain material offensive or not, but at the same time, remember that "blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."