McCain would be a good choice ( <3 McCain )
Mr Mephisto, your question is a perfect example of what is so wrong with American politics today. Positions aren't everything... ability is just as, if not more, important. Name a U.S. President in the last 100 years that hasn't changed his mind about something during his presidency. It happens almost every term, and almost every president. Why? Because the world changes. Since life in the global community is dynamic, so must be a U.S. President. But even so, you can have all the great ideas in the world, you'll still be a crappy prez if you can't make any of them happen.
Bush, Bush, Kerry, Rice, et al are just political puppets. They know how to make things LOOK like they're happening. They know how to grease a palm or two, or outwit their opponent on the podium. WTF has GWB actually DONE? Gone to war and spent billions upon billions of dollars MORE than estimated on a war that doesn't benefit his country? Hmmm... I thought the primary responsibility of the President of the United States was to worry about the United States... I guess not. *shrug*
Sure, Trump has bad hair and a TV show. So the hell what? Reagan was half dead and used to act with a monkey. If you take the extreme, most presidents haven't been particularly qualified... Maybe we can have Rice and Bonzo ticket (the monkey WAS a republican, right?).
My point in all this is that platforms, positions and politics have really screwed up the way my country is run, so I'd like to see a different approach, even if for just four years. Aren't there any James K. Polk's that could run?