Originally Posted by Ustwo
All rules have exceptions. I myself know some hard working liberals, I know some with genius IQs, I know some who give back a ton to the community. It is not for these people that we have self defeating programs like social security, welfare, food stamps, Medicare, racial quotas etc. Liberalism as practiced appeals to the lazy. Let some other hardworking slob pick up the slack (again much like communism). To succeed it needs people to be like you, but there isnt enough self-motivated people. They are lazy and will take the easy road most of the time. As such motivation fails when the motivation is working for a better society (what’s in it for me eh?!) and you get the reality. Welfare doesn't get people out of poverty, it creates a permanent underclass, but if your intentions were good who cares right? Hell I'd be happy to live in the socalist Utopia, provided it would work, but as long as people are people, alturism will always fail long term.
I understand your position. I just disagree with it.
If you don't help people when they're down, you end up with an obscene "capitalist, free market" aberration like Brazil, post Communist Russia or Columbia.
There, the rich are free to avoid fulfilling their obligations to society and the poor are free to starve or die, due to lack of access to medical care.
I just love tangents
Me too.
Mr Mephisto