Originally Posted by pan6467
but Schiavo set the precedent that the FED Sen and Reps can say whatever they want and hold emergency meetings to make a case Federal.
Wrong, wrong, wrong... this is one this we DON'T want to look at as a precedent. We want to look at it as a mistake, soon to be, hopefully, forgotten. We do NOT want the fed to hold emergency meetings about things outside of their scope of duty. Yes it happened, now let's all try to pretend it didn't... please!?
Originally Posted by pan6467
(Foolthemall and ScottKuma exempted, they came straight out said it was a bad ruling.... 2 out of how many?)
Did you not read my first post. I'm sorry, maybe I talked too much. My initial point was, this is an unconstitutional ruling. The whole point of my post was to show that "fringe" religions are bullshit, and that any religion should have the same merit in the US.