To answer a few more questions, my wife was warned during childbirth that if she had an outbreak it would be c-section. Both times she delivered normally, which makes me think that if it's transferrable even without, they would automatically do a c-section.
There are no other known health problems from herpes that I've ever heard of besides the sores. I usually have an outbreak once every 6 months, my wife about the same. We're in our 30's. If your immune system is down that seems to be the time for an outbreak.
I will say that I was NEVER sicker than when I first got it. I spent a week in bed shivering & sweating (this was after the sex part). A doctor finally after four days diagnosed it. I had a pretty good idea since my wife had a similar reaction, though not quite as severe.
The outbreaks these days seem to be shorter than when we were in our 20's, less severe, and sometimes not even any blistering.