I don't buy it, I have them & don't believe you can pass them on without knowing. Long before an outbreak (a day or two) you know when you are going to have an outbreak. Your skin starts to feel sensitive, almost painful when it comes in contact with something. I believe this is what they refer to as the shedding.
There are times when you feel it coming on it subsides without an outbreak.
My wife had it when we started dating. When she knew it was coming on, we used protection. Other times we used nothing. This went on for almost two years. After we decided to get married, we quit using anything, and I became infected. I know when it happened because she told me she thought it was going to happen & I said the hell with it. Got sicker than a dog the first time but since then it's really no big deal. If you can avoid it, do so, but you aren't doomed to a life of hell if you have it.