06-01-2005, 05:02 AM
#539 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Moskie
I think the best approach for the finale would have been to pick *one* of the island's mysteries (say, the hatch, the monster, the "others", etc.), focus on it, then have it be "solved" or written away by the end of the episode.
I keep thinking about how The X-Files went about things. I didn't watch every season, but what I remember was that there were a handful of story archs that progressed through the seasons, and they kinda came and went. They weren't typically completely solved or explained, but there was at least a conclusion that made the storyline go away. I want Lost to do that. I really hope that the monster, or the hatch, or the "others" are storylines that don't last for the entire run of the show. I want there to be a conclusion to them, then have other mysteries come about to keep the survivors occupied.
I don't think that's too much too ask, and it would keep me interested in the show for much longer....
Well they kinda gave us more details about the hatch...by showing that it is just an exit (no external handle/hinges to enter from outside) to a underground area. I think the monster will be an ongoing plot development for most of the first half of Season#2.