Originally posted by clavus
If I had a migraine right now, there's no way I could be looking at a monitor. Consider yourself blessed that you are not experiencing the full wrath of the Migraine God.
i could not agree more!
when mine come on... i crawl into a dark room, close all blinds, doors and anythiing else that might let the slightest amount of light or noise enter... take my pills, (Zomig and/or Midrin)... and if i am lucky... i won't spend the next 5 + hours puking my guts out and praying that someone kills me before the day/night is over...
Midrin doesn't work as well on the MIGRAINE persay as the Zomig does... but it is a vaso-contrictor, relaxant, and has some good painkilling medication built into one pill. So I combine the Midrin with Zomig (which you technically are not supposed to do). That is really the only thing that i have found works.