Originally Posted by alansmithee
I agree that Dean would have been a better candidate, and also think he would have one. Really the only reasons I can see why Kerry got the nomination was due to the fact that he looked more "presidential". Kerry seemed to have far more negatives than Dean, didn't have the personality of Dean, and had a campaign team seemingly worse then Dean's.
And as for the launching attacks with no rebuttal, move on (.org).
Kettle: Hello Pot!
Pot: You're Black!
Suffice to say, I think your blindness to liberal attacks and use of the same tactics is suprising.
The right attacks the left far far more vehemnetly and even in cases where the left isn't necessarily attacking the right but simply asking the right to explain their stance .... the right considers it an attack and avoids the explanations but worsens the attacks and any dialogue that could exist crumbles. But that's just my viewpoint.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
I don't think Trump nor McCain could make a viable candidate. For every Dem vote McCain would gain, he would lose two Rep votes. Since his run in 2000, he's really disappointed me. I fully supported him then, I thought Bush was a horrible candidate in comparison. But it seems to me that McCain has become a much more polished politician, and spends too much time grabbing headlines. In 2000, he seemed outside of the system, now he's been assimilated. As for Trump, he has too much baggage. Also, he seems to have no qualifications for being president. He's great in real estate and self-promotion, but not else. If a businessman is what you want, I think Steve Forbes is a better choice personally.
As for McCain, I think as a Dem and with the right running mate (Edwards) he could very easily win... problem is he won't run as a Dem or even an Ind.
Trump is an oddity. He has failed but he has comeback every time stronger and looking better than ever. I really don't think he has baggage that would hurt.... what he's a player..... lol big freakin deal he likes gorgeous ladies and can get them so what? Other than that Trump is about as dirt free as they come. He's very intelligent, knows how to get the most from the people around him and you NEVER hear anyone truly bad mouth the guy. Perhaps he's too good a man for president... but I doubt it.... I truly think he's the perfect man for the job. He isn't isolationist but he knows we need more fair trade. The only people that won't back him are big business because they know he is fair with employees and would probably raise the minimum wage in a hurry but offer tax breaks for those smaller companies it would hurt.
Trump is too perfect that's why the GOP will hate him.
Forbes ran I believe in '96 and had some good points but even Alan Keyes beat him. I will say the Class of '96 was just that in the GOP primaries.... all were moderates and had class and decent ideas.... how I miss them.... the GOP is far to right now... when Reagan, Nixon and even BushI court judges (some of whom at the time were considered borderline too conservative) and policies are called too liberal.... something is very, very, very wrong.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
Honestly, I think the republican nomination is going to be someone not on the radar just yet. And as for the Dems, everything now is pointing at hillary which makes me think its going to be someone else entirely, probably a southerner. Hillary has no chance in any of the "red" states, and would probably lose a couple of the blues as well.
That maybe the first thing we have ever agreed upon. That the GOP nomination may go to someone not on the radar screen.... and Hilary losing even some of the blue states.
I see Edwards making a strong run and maybe getting the nomination (I would vote for Edwards IF Trump doesn't run).
DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08