Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
As an outside observer, I tend to agree with Shakran. If you think there is a liberal bias in the media, or if you think "liberalism" is in the ascendent in America today, then you must be living in a different world than I.
Of course the "left' attacks the "right", but today's political landscape, today's social milieu, is such that being liberal, or anti-war, or pro-worker etc is almost a mark of Cain (and I don't mean that in the Old Testament, literal sense, but in the popular sense).
Mr Mephisto
There is a slight socially liberal, pro-business bias in the majority of mainstream media. Looking simply at which stories recieve the most press reveals that. Or look at examinations of the previous presidential election, where Bush got almost double the negative press that Kerry did.
And where are you living where being anti-war or liberal or pro-worker is frowned upon? I see much the opposite, where not blindly throwing accusations at the administration, or even questioning the liberal adenda in any way gets you attacked by lefties as a hatemongering, intolerant, ignorant part of the vast right-wing conspiracy. You can look at this board for proof of this.
Apparently you're not living in the same part of America that I am.