Originally Posted by samcol
What's so great about bring both parties together? How about bringing the American people together for once. We just saw a bi-partisan fillibuster agreement and how long did that last. I think the American people are hungry for a real leader, although I have no idea where this person could come from. It definetly will not come from a Jeb Bush...
I think it is necessary to have a more centrist non partisan president that can have his own agenda and therefore either both sides will hate him and by virtue bring them closer..... or hopefully be so loved by the people that both sides will fall into place and become fiscally conservative while being socially liberal.
I envision a president that by his nonpartisanship can show how juvenile parties have become and the PEOPLE will wake up and vote the idiots that are so far on one side and unwilling to compromise (Right and Left) out.
I think Trump has the arrogance and yet is charismatic enough to get both sides to deal with each other and end the petty bickering. Plus, I don't think Trump is one to worry about any "dirt" that would come out about him and is strong enough to turn the dirt around and show what it really is..... trying to win without having to expose your true platform.
I think a strong Trump/McCain or Trump/Edwards ticket would crush any GOP ticket out there.
Trump is the master of the deal, he knows how to get things done, how to work with unions and win respect (trust me NOTHING in NYC gets built without someone getting union respect).
Trump knows how weak we are in the world economy and I believe would surround himself with the best people possible to develop ways to get the US back to #1 and keep it there.
I really see no downside to Trump except whether or not he could be convinced the US needs him as president.
Laugh, if you will, but Trump is powerful enough, charismatic enough and strong enough in who he is to become president. He is also smart enough to know people work harder, put more dignity and feel better about themselves when companies treat their workers with respect.
(Argue if you will but the president does set the tone for the nation ..... good and bad......)
I am now declaring myself a man on a mission to get people to DRAFT TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT...... perhaps if enough people show him that WE WANT TRUMP he'll run........
Hey if 1992 Perot could garner what 19% .... surely Trump who is more charismatic, more of a deal maker and more respected can come close to getting triple that and that would be a winner.
Otherwise the options are too bleak........
Hilary??????? too much of a witch, cold distant wants it too badly..... which forces me too ask why does she want it so badly? She lacks the charisma Bill had and while strong she seems to be more into herself than what is best for the country.
Libertarian?????? Still too right.... they truly have no compromise in them.
I don't know hopefully a strong DEM can come from somewhere.... but until that happens my mantra shall be........
DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08
DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08............DRAFT TRUMP IN '08