I just got my vacation pay and spent it at EB. Here's the rundown:
Tekken 5 for PS2
By no means perfect, it's a great improvement on 4. The got rid of all of 4's flaws, and it feels like a sequal to Tekken 3. It has the visual look and feel of Tekken 3, which is one of my all time fav games. Also, it has Tekken 1, 2 and 3, so bonus. The new single player platform toss-in, Devil Within, feels like a rush job with repetitive tasks and textures that make every level seems the same. The arcade mode is fun, and lets you compete against computer controlled opponents of different skill levels, as you fight to raise your rank and to raise money to buy extras. My big complaint is that the final boss is just too unballanced. He can kill you in 3 unblockable and often unavoidable hits. "But so can alot of characters", you say? He does it on easy mode.
This game though, is great in arcade mode, and though it has it's flaws, these will probably be the best graphics we'll see on PS2. The good REALLY outweighs the bad.
I'll give it 8/10
Rebel Assault 2: Rouge Leader for GCN
I've been waiting for the used price on this game to drop since I bought my cube in 2002. I finally forked over the $20 and picked it up (damn I'm cheap) and I enjoyed it alot. I had bought RA3 on release, and hated it. This was the game I should have bought. If just for the first level, the Battle of Yavin, this game is worth it for a Star Wars fan. If you like this sort of thing. I've got friends who are fans of XvT who hate Rebel Assault with a passion.
I'll give this 8/10 too.
Guild Wars
I love it. Everything I hated about p2p mmo's is fixed here. Sometimes I forget though that if I'm out questing, my friends can't just walk out and play with me.
I'm gonna say 8/10 here too... broken record much?
Metal Gear Solid 3 for PS2
Waited for this game for so long. Bought it copied, but there's a problem with my chipped ps2, so i can't play copies. Guy that was gonna fix it for me got shut down, so I finally bought MGS3. I haven't played it yet because I'm too lazy to get up and take Tekken out. Nice box art though. I'll give the box art 8/10 for the hell of it.
I do it for the rare drops