Having lived in Florida for a while, where Jeb is honcho, I can say that he really doesn't do much at all to impress me as a politician. I've never really found anything he's said or done to be all that important, let alone presidential.
When all the hurricanes came through here, he was barely seen or heard on the TV or radio saying much of anything about it other than supporting the words of the electric companies promising speedy power restoration. I would think that even a halfway decent politician in charge of a state that has just been ravaged by not one, but then two, three, and four hurricanes would be on some form of media telling the people it'll be ok, that things will be taken care of. It's not like it was a few tornados ripping through a mobile home park- it was a state-wide emergency which literally impacted almost all of the state. He should have been more vocal, more attentive. It seemed like he didn't care whatsoever.
Also, he panders to the elderly way too much. I understand there are a lot of them here, but there are also a lot of people who aren't elderly living here. Additionally, there is a horribly corrupt sheriff's office running one of the state's largest counties, which has spent millions upon millions of dollars on untraceable stuff, and keeps asking for more. Jeb has never once been seen to concern himself in any way with such things. I don't care if he is the brother of George W, of whom i'm not a fan- i'm not a fan of Jeb because of Jeb himself.
EDIT: And i'd vote Condileeza over Hillary, except that I know Condileeza would be little more than a puppet.